Hi! Andre here. Thank you for visiting my website.

I am an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto, where I direct the Attitudes & Interpersonal Understanding Lab.

My research incorporates insights and methods from social, cognitive, and quantitative psychology to better understand how people connect abstract ideas to concrete experiences.

One of the human mind’s most impressive feats is to think beyond the here and now: People can generate predictions about the future, make inferences about their general preferences from specific experiences, and reason about broad moral values. Where do these abstract ideas come from? What happens when people’s abstract ideas—about themselves, other people, and the world—become disconnected from actual, context-specific experiences? These questions motivate my research.

You can contact me at yilinandre.wang@utoronto.ca, follow me on Bluesky, X / Twitter, and Mastodon, or check out my Google Scholar page and my OSF page.

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